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Call for Proposals

We invite advisers and those in advising-adjacent work to present topics that help advisers mobilize, strategize, or connect their work to a specific community, theory, theme or shared experience.  Please consider the following criteria when submitting a proposal.  Please note, we will offer both full-length sessions (60 minutes) and mini sessions (20 minutes).

Deadline for proposal submission is Friday, August 9, 2024. Submit proposals to

All advising topics are welcome, but based on last year’s feedback, advisers are most interested in exploring the following topics:

  • Adviser well-being 
  • STEM 
  • Assessment practices 
  • First-year experience 
  • Connecting with faculty 
  • How to engage and work with faculty and staff who take on advising roles in other student support units

Proposals should include:

  • Presentation title (maximum of 100 characters)
  • Brief abstract (maximum of 250 words)
  • A session description (maximum of 750 words) including:
    • Your presentation's objectives and how those will be met (e.g. materials, methods, activities). 
    • Presentation You may wish to discuss how the presentation incorporates the conference themes previously identified. 
    • Presentation You may wish to indicate how your presentation will be delivered (multimedia, PowerPoint, etc.).
    • Presentation You may wish to suggest whether your proposal would be better suited for a 20-minute or 60-minute slot. 
  • Please indicate if you are willing to co-present or be connected for a shared presentation.

Evaluation criteria

  • Quality of content: Relevance to advising community (describes current challenges in advising and/or introduces new ideas, approaches, concepts)
  • Quality of delivery: Well developed session organization, engagement, and creativity in an approach


  • An individual can be a presenter on a maximum of two proposals.
  • Sessions that have previously been presented are welcome.
  • Presenters must be willing and available to present during any of the conference session times.
  • NACADA membership is not required to submit a proposal. 
  • We are committed to keeping the conference free and therefore cannot offer any fee waiver or discount for presenters.

Contact information for questions about proposals: Joy Carr or Abby Shillingburg

Contact information for questions about the conference: Joy Carr or Abby Shillingburg