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Nicholas Evans Award

The Office of the Provost is pleased to announce the Nicholas Evans Excellence in Advising Award. In honor of Evans, a lifelong proponent and exemplar of undergraduate advising at WVU, this award recognizes exceptional advising and mentoring provided by faculty and professional advisers at WVU each academic year. Up to four recipients will be awarded $1,250 to be deposited into a state account administered by the recipient’s department or unit. Funds may be used for professional development purposes only and must be used within the fiscal year awarded.

Nominate an Outstanding Adviser


Read the Full Announcement See Past Winners

Kelli George

Teaching Assistant Professor

Davis College of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Design - Division of Animal and Nutritional Sciences


Mark Schraf

Teaching Professor

Eberly College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Chemistry


Amanda Baker

Student Success Coordinator

WVU Institute of Technology

Tara Robbins

Tara Robbins

Student Success Coordinator

Eberly College of Arts and Sciences - Department of Geology and Geography


Read the Full Announcement See Past Winners
Nettie Freshour

Faculty Award

Nettie Freshour

Teaching Professor, Director of the Dietetic Internship Program and Graduate Program Coordinator

Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources - School of Agriculture and Food Systems

Rebekah Dunaway

Faculty Award

Rebekah Dunaway

Clinical Instructor, BSW Recruitment and Advising Coordinator

Eberly College of Arts and Sciences - School of Social Work

Marilyn Munzer

Primary Role Award

Marilyn Munzer

Senior Academic Adviser

Benjamin M. Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources

Semoa DeSousa-Brown

Primary Role Award

Dr. Semoa DeSousa-Brown

Senior Academic Adviser

Eberly College of Arts and Sciences – MDS and RBA programs

 Jenna Edwards

New Adviser Award

Jenna Edwards

Senior Academic Adviser

Davis College of Agriculture and Natural Resources


  1. Primary Role Adviser

    Individuals whose primary role at the institution is the direct delivery of advising services to undergraduate students. Individuals must spend at least 50% of their time on direct delivery of advising to undergraduate students.

  2. Faculty Adviser

    Individuals whose primary responsibility is teaching/ conducting research and who spend a portion of their time providing academic advising services to undergraduate students. Individuals must spend at least 50% of their time on teaching, research, or service.

  3. Eligibility

    Faculty and primary role advisers at any of West Virginia University’s campuses for whom undergraduate academic advising meets one of the aforementioned definitions are eligible for nomination. A recipient may receive the award once in a four-year period.

Criteria & Scoring

The Nicholas Evans Excellence in Advising Selection Committee evaluates on the evidence of qualities and practices that distinguish applicants from any of West Virginia University’s campuses as outstanding academic advisers or faculty advisers including:

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Availability to advisees, faculty or staff
  • Frequency of contact with advisees
  • Appropriate referral activity
  • Use and dissemination of appropriate info sources
  • Evidence of student success rate, by adviser or department
  • Caring, helpful attitude towards advisees, faculty and staff
  • Meeting advisees in informal settings
  • Monitoring of student progress toward academic and career goals
  • Mastery of institutional regulations, policies and procedures
  • Ability to engage in, promote and support developmental advising
  • Participation in and support of adviser development programs


A nominee is an individual whose name has been submitted for consideration via the Qualtrics form linked below. Nominees progress to the status of applicant once they have accepted the nomination and submitted all appropriate materials as outlined below.

Nominations may be made by WVU faculty, staff, or students. Advisers may also self-nominate.

Nominate an Outstanding Adviser

The adviser will receive an official notification from the Nicholas Evans Excellence in Advising Committee of their nomination and is responsible for collecting and submitting all required materials.

Nomination deadline is November 29, 2024.


Advisers who accept the nomination must submit their applications to be considered for the award, which should contain factual or narrative material that describes the extent to which they meet the award criteria. Include the following items in the order listed below and use objective data to support the nomination.

Cover Sheet

that includes the following:

  • Date
  • Nominee’s name
  • Nominee's College/School
  • College/School Dean's name
  • Dean's email
  • Work phone number and email
  • PO Box Address
  • Physical Campus Address
  • Select One:
    • Academic Adviser – Primary Role
    • Faculty Adviser
    • New Academic Adviser (3 years or less)
  • Have you been the recipient of this award within the last four years?
    • Yes ___
    • No ___

Submission Packet

One PDF file as outlined below (limited to 10 pages).

  • Personal statement
    • Document should include nominee's advising philosophy and one pivotal or inspiring advising moment.
  • Supporting Evidence
    • Items should be illustrative of exemplary performance and passion as an adviser.
    • Representative materials could include supporting letters from any of the following: advisees, colleagues, and administrators. 
    • Representative materials could include research contributions to the advising field; documents created for students; training materials for faculty/staff; presentations given; etc.  Materials should demonstrate how the candidate has achieved a high-level advising professionalism and expertise. Materials should demonstrate an understanding of different advising modalities and flexibility in applying that understanding to achieve the best results in their individual advisees’ academic careers.
  • Nominee Curriculum Vitae or Resume
    • Focus on entries that pertain directly to academic advising.

Packets must be submitted no later than January 31, 2025.

Nominees who do not submit a complete submission packet will not be considered.


The selection committee, composed of members of the WVU Academic Advising Council and previous award recipients, will review all nominations. If additional information is requested, the nominee will be invited to interview with the committee.

Upon review of the nomination and supporting documentation, the Assessment and Recognition Committee will submit a recommendation to the Academic Advising Council and the Office of the Provost in late March.

Awards will be presented to recipients at the WVU Faculty and Staff Awards recognition ceremony in April. Recipients are encouraged to attend the recognition ceremony. Recipients must comply with institution and state policies regulating the expenditure of centrally allocated funds.