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Give Feedback on the new advising Mission, Vision and Values statements for WVU


Having an advising mission statement along with a vision and articulated values is considered a best practice for many reasons. These documents: 

  • Inform future goals and assessment projects
  • Help us create expectations for students, new advisers, and other stakeholders 
  • Provide other kinds of guidance. 

Here at WVU, we have the opportunity to articulate our mission, clarify our vision and express our values for advising as a university.  

While the Academic Advising Council considered this a decade ago, the mission is reflective of that time and for the AAC as a group. 

Recently, advisers were asked to take a survey on advising values and that information has been utilized to create an updated mission, vision, and values statement. 

Advisers are encouraged to review the draft below and send any feedback to We hope to launch the new mission, vision and values as part of Academic Advising Appreciation Day.  


Academic Advising at West Virginia University is committed to fostering accurate, timely, equitable, inclusive, and holistic advising experiences that develop student self-efficacy and foster student development.  


Academic advising at West Virginia University is committed to purposefully guiding students not only through their academic programming but also to develop intangible skills to foster development of the student as an educated citizen.   


In addition to adhering to the values of West Virginia University, Academic Advisers also subscribe to the following values: 

  • Advocacy  
  • Authenticity  
  • Commitment  
  • Effective Communication  
  • Empathy 
  • Integrity  
  • Professionalism   
  • Trustworthy