The Summer BOOST Program is designed to give students the opportunity to improve their academic standing by taking summer courses at WVU and providing incentives for academic success.
The application process has been simplified for students and gives advisers more autonomy in determining if Summer Boost is a good fit for a student.
To be admitted to Summer BOOST, a student must communicate with their adviser to determine eligibility (see criteria below). If an adviser approves the student for Summer Boost, they issue the Summer BOOST Approval alert in Navigate. Directions on issuing an alert are listed below. Once the alert has been submitted, the student will receive an automated acceptance notification to their MIX email and be added as a participant. The academic advisor will also receive an email confirmation.
Determining Eligibility:
A student must meet at least one of the following criteria. Summer BOOST is for regular summer term only. Maymester courses are not included.
Summer BOOST 2024 Eligibility Criteria:
- Overall GPA below 2.5
- Repeating a course with previous D/F grade (no W)
- Failing to meet eligibility for need or merit-based aid
Decision Guide:
Any student clearly meeting any one of the criteria above can be admitted.
There will be times that a student does not clearly meet one of the criteria. However, advisers have the discretion to evaluate a student’s situation to determine if the student should qualify.
- You may have students who do not currently have an Overall GPA below a 2.5 or have a D/F to repeat, but it is obvious based on midterm grades, etc. that they will meet one of those criteria after spring grades.
- The HUB will provide a list of students at risk of losing their scholarships. Those students will be given a Tag in Navigate “SB 25 Scholarship Eligibility” in mid-late February. However, if students withdraw from courses and fall below the needed credit hours or take a dip in GPA, they could become at risk of losing their scholarship.
- For need-based aid, advisers can determine eligibility based upon a student meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress ( minimum GPA, 67% completion rate, and maximum attempted hours).
Because of the dynamic nature of changing statuses and information availability, your expertise as an adviser is valued for making informed decisions with the accessible information.
The next section has instructions for issuing the alert if you determine that a student meets the criteria. Instructions for documenting when a student does not meet the criteria will be included near the document's end.
Advisers are asked to also make a note in DegreeWorks regarding any Summer BOOST decisions.Instructions for submitting the Alert:
Log into Navigate through the WVU portal or by going directly to the website ( ). Use your WVU credentials.
Once you are Navigate, be sure that Staff Home is showing on your main screen. If you see Professor Home or Student Home, you can easily change it by using the drop-down arrow. Please see below:
There are two ways to find your student to issue the alert.
Option 1:
You can scroll through your assigned students to find the student you wish to approve.
Select the box next to the student’s name. You should see a blue check next to their name once selected.
- Select the arrow next to the Actions button to reveal a drop-down menu.
- Select Issue Alert
- Alert Reason is Summer BOOST 2025 participation approval. ( You will NOT select a class. Comments are not necessary. Any comment made will be viewable on the Reports/Notes tab.)
- Click Submit
Option 2:
Find students by entering their WVU or MIX ID in the quick search bar at the top
of your screen and selecting their profile.
- On the right-hand side of their overview page, select Issue an Alert from the Options
- Alert Reason is Summer BOOST 2025 participation approval. ( You will NOT select a class. Comments are not necessary. Any comment made will be viewable on the Reports/Notes tab.)
- Click Submit
Once you have submitted the approval alert, the student will automatically receive
confirmation to their MIX email within minutes.
You as the advisor can check confirmation by viewing the alerts on the Reports/ Notes
tab in the student’s Navigate profile.
The Summer BOOST program will be automatically assigned a case in Navigate as well as receive email notification that the student has been added. By creating this process in Navigate, it reduces the manual work in moving applicants through different systems and allows any staff with the appropriate Navigate access to know the program admission status. This will streamline the process for central coordination of communication and stipend awarding while giving academic colleges and schools autonomy in program admission decisions.
Program Denial:
In the event you have a student that expresses interest in the Summer BOOST program, but does NOT meet one of the criteria listed above:
- Follow the above instructions to locate your student’s Navigate profile.
- On the right-hand side of the overview page, select Add a Note on this Student.
- Select
Not approved: Summer BOOST 202 as the Note Reason. Save Note. (
Do not select anyone under availability.) Students will receive an automated
message the day after the note is submitted informing them of the decision. Please
also record any Summer BOOST decisions in DegreeWorks.