Members of NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising recently received an invitation to participate in elections for the Region 3 Steering Committee. For the first time in our state’s history, West Virginia has three candidates running for critical leadership positions in the region. The nominees include:
Inclusive Excellence Chair: Jason Noland, Fairmont State University
Mentoring Chair: Tammy Reynolds, Marshall University
Professional Development Chair: Samm Jusino, WVU
The work of the Region 3 Steering Committee benefits the advising community for the states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, and West Virginia. Regions also inform the national office of advising trends and adviser needs. West Virginia’s perspective has not always been represented, so we are excited to support these advising leaders at the regional level!
To view the candidates and their platform statements, please visit the region’s elections webpage. The deadline for voting is Tuesday, January 28.